News & Events

  1. San Antonio Golf Tournament - Register NOW!

    September 16, 2020

    Imagine waking up everyday without one or more of your limbs, with severe burns or even being paralyzed. For thousands of War on Terror wounded Veterans these new physical realities will be with them for the rest of their lives. REGIS...

  2. Service King Collision Repair Centers Announces Executive Promotions

    August 13, 2020

    RICHARDSON, TX – August 12, 2013 – Service King Collision Repair Centers, a multi-state operator of high-quality collision repair facilities and the fastest growing U.S.-based collision repair company, announced today two executive pro...

  3. Tune into the PlayMakers Talk Show this Sunday, July 14, at 4 p.m on KLIF.

    July 14, 2020

    Tune into the PlayMakers Talk Show this Sunday, July 14, at 4 p.m on KLIF. Service King CEO Chris Abraham will be the featured guest on this week's show. For more information, visit www.playmakerstalksho...